In a time of any unexpected change, let alone the extreme, unprecedented changes we’ve all been facing in recent days, this can be concerning, stressful, and probably a whole bunch of other emotions that may hit us, at times, in waves. Personally, I have a mantra: “You can only control what you can control.” Deep breath. This is the new reality.
So … what can we do to take advantage of this time? Here are some suggestions that I find to be personally beneficial:
1. Organize . Start with something small that you’ve been meaning to do. A drawer, a corner of a room a closet. Don’t do too much, decide on 1 small task. For me, this was my desk and the adjacent corner of the room (where I tend to toss papers that I’ll deal with later). Once completed I had a sense of tangible, visual accomplishment and felt like I made good use of the time.
2. Evaluate . Look at your credit card statement, cancel all non-essential services (we consider internet and Netflix to be essential, but perhaps cable isn’t!). If there are no early termination fees or other penalties, removing 2 or 10 charges that you may not need can also provide a sense of accomplishment as well as financial relief.
3. Quality Time . Spend quality time with children, pets and loved ones. Yesterday we went outside with the kids to kick a ball and watch them run around. It was a lovely change of pace!
Some of you may or may not have been personally impacted the September 11 attacks or the 2008 Stock Market/Housing crash, which were also tumultuous times for many. We know that this too shall pass!
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