Parking can be stressful. In busy, unfamiliar parking lots, it’s easy to become disoriented and wonder if you’re in the right lot. Having branded parking equipment minimizes that confusion and builds trust, creating a great first impression. It’s one of the ‘extras’ that should be a key consideration when sourcing a parking solution
consideration when sourcing a parking solution.
Most vendors offer parking equipment in standard colors. At Parking BOXX, we offer fully-customizable parking equipment with your colors, custom text and logo.
We think it’s an important part of the customer experience, and here, we’ll explain why.
Public parking is unlike any other driving experience, except, perhaps driving in a foreign country. Think of it this way: on domestic roads, we enjoy a high degree of consistency. Rarely are we surprised by the layout and even tolls are reassuringly constant. If we choose to access a drive-through, we know the drill. Whether it’s a bank machine or a fast food restaurant, we take the same steps from one drive-through to another.
Not so for parking.
Every parking facility is unique; the access, the parking payment equipment, and the exit procedures are different from one scenario to the next. Drivers must not only focus on finding a space, but also orient themselves to the unique navigation of the lot. No wonder there are so many accidents in parking lots.
One way you can make the experience less confusing is by branding your parking equipment.
First, branded parking equipment can be easier to locate
, especially if your brand is familiar. Customers who have your brand in mind will quickly identify branded parking equipment in an unfamiliar parking facility. Sometimes saving only moments in a parking lot can make the difference between frustration and a positive experience.
Second, branded parking equipment gives your customers confidence that they’re in the right place
. Especially in dense, urban areas or shared facilities, your visitors aren’t always clear whether they’re parking in the right lot, or the lot closest to their destination. You can reduce the ambiguity by branding your entry, exit, and all parking equipment.
In 2014, Parking BOXX commissioned a study on seniors’ parking needs
, through the University of Guelph. Researchers surveyed, interviewed and conducted focus groups with seniors to better understand their needs when using hospital parking. The results were fascinating.
The study confirmed that trust is essential to satisfaction. 30% of study participants said they would feel "Generally Secure" or "Very Secure"
that the hospital would resolve any parking payment issues if the parking equipment had the hospital logo
Having branded parking equipment at entrances and exits is a signal to your customers that you stand by their experience, from start to finish. It reassures them that you’re responsible every step of the way.
In our study of seniors
, we learned how parking influences this key demographic’s first impression of a facility.
Parking is where customers have their initial interaction with your facility, and it’s also the last experience they have with your brand during their visit. First and last impressions are key to customer satisfaction.
According to surveyed seniors, parking ranked second only after the lobby as a factor affecting their first impression
of a facility. It's perceived as even more important than building exterior and grounds!
We know that rusted or run-down parking equipment is unacceptable to customers. They expect well-maintained, high-functioning parking equipment at a minimum. Take this one step further; add your brand and logo to parking equipment and show your customers you pay attention to the details of their experience.
Parking BOXX makes customizing your parking equipment easy. When you work with us, we assign a project manager to your account from Day 1. Your project manager oversees the work of the art team, who translate your customization specs into a finished look. Customers across North America, from parks, to hospitals, hotels, airports and more have chosen to customize their parking equipment with Parking BOXX.
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Contact us today to schedule a pressure-free, obligation-free consultation with one of our parking solution experts.
Call us at 800-518-1230 or request a demo at
Parking BOXX accommodates the needs of small lots as well as large, complex parking systems. Parking BOXX has over 80 years of parking systems experience, service partners throughout North America, and parking sites in operation from Los Angeles, the Caribbean to Newfoundland. Parking BOXX parking systems reliably run sites with thousands of daily vehicles and millions in annual parking revenue.
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