At Parking BOXX, we get calls from all types of industries asking about our parking equipment: from retail, to university campuses, hospitals, and campgrounds. But we have to admit: it’s not every day we get a phone call from a hit television show asking to feature a parking machine , our parking payment machine in a murder mystery show. Much to our surprise, that’s exactly what happened when Private Eyes , Global’s hit television series slated to return come spring 2019, reached out.
Now on its third
season, the show follows the antics of Matt Shade and Angie Everett. He’s an
ex-professional Hockey player, she’s a no-nonsense P.I. They join forces to solve
mysteries every week with equal parts wit and humor. Filmed and set in Toronto,
the show has a refreshing take on the city—it embraces its nooks and crannies,
the glamour as much as the grit, which makes for a fun and authentic portrayal
of this vibrant Canadian city.
But to the more pressing question: why would the show, unless it’s building a state-of-the-art parking facility, contact us about parking equipment? As with any good mystery show, the puzzle is always solved by a leap in thought: something about the environment tips the detectives off, and through a series of mental maneuvers, they decipher who the culprit is, catch the bad guy, and restore justice. Viewers are left satisfied until a new mystery takes centre stage the following week.
Season three, like the
other two before it, will be rife with mysteries and suspense at every corner
of Matt and Angie’s journey. As it turns out, Private Eyes
will not be building the
parking garage of our dreams anytime soon. Instead, this upcoming season, Parking
very own parking machinewill act as the key to one of its mysteries, and we
be more thrilled to see what the writers come up with.
Stay tuned to catch us on the small screen.
Parking BOXX accommodates the needs of small lots as well as large, complex parking systems. Parking BOXX has over 80 years of parking systems experience, service partners throughout North America, and parking sites in operation from Los Angeles, the Caribbean to Newfoundland. Parking BOXX parking systems reliably run sites with thousands of daily vehicles and millions in annual parking revenue.
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